They Are at it Again – Artists Showing artwork for 5 Days

Short time Pop Up Galerie

They are at it again.  An Artist in Munich organised another temporary gallery space for you to visit in Schwabing.   The temporary gallery is showing art and fashion but really it is art and t-shirts. This misuse of the term fashion is why Armani thinks Germans have no fashion sense but I guess everyone has a different idea of fashion.  For me, if you want to show fashion, grab a group of designers and add them to the mix.  UPDATE: Even though the advertising states art and fashion, I’ve been told that the temporary gallery does not sell T-shirts, they just exhibited with a t-shirt company in the same space at the same time.  I personally think it is cool idea to have the two together (fashion and art). If you want a T-shirt just email Munich artists and we will help you out.


  • Times 1100 to 1900
  • Dates: 20.- 25.5.2014
  • Vernissage: Dienstag, 20.5.2014 ab 18 Uhr (already over)
  • Address: Pündterplatz 8 / München- Schwabing

I wish the Tshirts used the art of the artists in the exhibition but they are shirts interpreting famous art pieces not the artwork of the artists in the show.

Michaela Wuehr was the last artist to be exhibited by the temporary gallery right before the Stroke festival. Michaela sold lots of art during the vernissage so hopefully this group of artists will be selling art tonight.

Over the next five days, the short time gallery will be highlighting the following artists (the photos are of their style not specifically the artwork for sale at the temporary gallery):

Jungmin Park… not the NY artist but the Munich artist.


Yeonsoo Kim – Malerei (Lots of empty rooms)

grafzwack (a collaboration between Maria Graf and Karin Zwack)

Mattia Lullini –Drawings


Note:  At Stroke, Brigitte Pruchnow sold a few images that looked Similar to Jungmin but Jungmin has been doing them for a few years while Brigitte started this year to focus on water on glass.  Brigitte did not know about Jungmin until I pointed this out.  How can you know everyone with thousands of artists in Bavaria?  For now we have two artists painting water on glass in Munich. If I find more, I will certainly share them with you. If you know of one, please let us know.  We love finding artists working on similar projects.